In previous years the school's catering company provided a great service within the school which was really appreciated. Since our last Festival, in 2020, the catering company has been changed. The new company have been hesitant about providing a service to us, so we have had to look elsewhere.
A van based catering companies have agreed to come on site to provide partial cover.
We have an outline schedule from them which may change, up or down, depending on demand.
Mike Hanson at "What a Pizza"
will, at times, have a van parked at the front of the school to help
in providing catering. They will be offering
and cold drinks, wood fired pizzas, sausage and bacon sandwiches, cakes & biscuits.
The schedule is:
a Pizza'' van from midday-ish every Saturday and Sunday for the afternoon, and
possibly later, depending on demand and most of each Sunday.
If you want to know more about these offerings here is a link for further information: