Tuesday 18 June 2024

Support the Festival...


Please support the Harrogate Competitive Festival - we need your help to continue helping young, developing, passionate people study and perform their arts.

Running since 1936 we aim to advance the education of the public in the arts of music, speech, drama and dance in all their branches. We hold an annual festival, costing ~£20k, where mainly young people can perform for an audience of friends and family and receive an adjudication from independent, professional adjudicators.

Every year our charity, staffed entirely by volunteers, runs the Festival with an operating shortfall of circa £5,000 per year, on average.  We have been supported by donations from third parties for years.  Those funds are running dry and we now need help.  The Festival pays to hire the facilities used and provide adjudicators.  

If you can find just £2 per month to donate to us, this can really make a difference.

The button below makes it easy to set up a regular payment, catering for Gift Aid where appropriate.


Thank you

Derek Starling and Alan Connell - Trustees, Volunteers.
